Sensitive Being with Michelle Marsh
Sensitivity and neurodivergence are a gift when they are balanced and tuned. But when it is highly charged and without toning and control it can feel unbearable, leading us to act, think and feel in ways which do not align with our true selves. The Sensitive Being Podcast is here to help you to gain clarity through the synthesised lens of western medicine, psychology, natural medicine, spirituality and yogic philosophy.
Podcasting since 2022 • 6 episodes
Sensitive Being with Michelle Marsh
Latest Episodes
How do I know if I am neurodiverse?
In today's podcast we are chatting about neurodivergence. We'll dive into what neurodivergence means, touch upon common neurodivergent conditions, and ponder whether neurodivergence is a pathology or simply a natural variation....
Season 17
Episode 7
Movement and creative exploration for neurodiverse and highly sensitive people
One of the biggest struggles as a highly sensitive and/or neurodiverse person is communicating the internal struggle, pain and trauma which has built up over a lifetime of trying to function "normally" in a neurotypical world. In e...
Season 1
Episode 5
Meditation for busy minds
If you have ever tried to meditate but just end up bored and frustrated due to your busy mind, then this episode is for you. Whether or not you can access the state of meditation is not the question. The real question is 'what is the b...
Season 1
Episode 4
Calming and reducing negative symptoms of sensitivity and ADHD
In this episode I talk about diet, lifestyle and environmental considerations and tips for calming the nervous system and reducing negative symptoms of sensitivity and ADHD. In the next episode we will cover Practices to release, restore, t...
Season 1
Episode 3
Why bother cultivating sensitivity?
If being highly sensitive means that navigating our busy world is more painful/confusing/overwhelming then why would you want to deliberately cultivate it if you aren't "highly sensitive" already? In this episode I answer this question (and a f...
Season 1
Episode 2